Proving Aggressive or Violent Behavior: 3 Things You Should Do to Help Your Dog Bite Case

1 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Dogs are not always man's best friend. In fact, dogs that are not properly trained can exhibit violent or aggressive behavior and can attack others when they feel threatened and scared or even if they come into contact with other dogs and human beings. Each year, more than 350,000 dog bite victims are seen in emergency rooms across the nation. If you happen to be an unlucky victim, it's important that you contact a dog bite attorney as soon as possible to determine the type of legal recourse you have. This article looks at three things you can do to strengthen your case.

Get the Dog Professionally Examined as Soon as Possible

It's not unusual for the dog owners to claim that the dog is not aggressive or violent, and try to blame you for their dog's behavior. In this situation, it can be difficult to establish fault at times, especially if the dog dies or gets re-homed before the trial even begins. The dog owners might even try to retrain the dog, and it might not be aggressive anymore by the time that the trial is going to begin. Because of this reason, your dog bite attorney will generally recommend that you get the dog professionally examined as soon as possible. A dog behavior specialist or trainer will be able to provide a more detailed report in regards to the psychology of the dog at the time of the incident.

Take a Look at Whether Any Other Police Reports Have Been Filed Against the Dog

By establishing that the dog has shown violent or aggressive behavior to others, you will be able to further strengthen your case. This is especially true if you can prove that the dog owners knew that their dog was aggressive or violent and failed to do anything about it. One of the best places to look for evidence that the dog had exhibited violent or aggressive behavior before is to look at police reports that may have been filed against the dog or the dog owners. Consider the type of complaints that were made, as well as whether there were other victims.

Properly Evaluate and Photograph Wounds

To prove that the dog bit your viciously or that your injury has merit, document as much as possible. You want to get your wounds properly evaluated and treated by a medical professional. Don't hesitate to photograph the wounds at different angles to show how deep the bite is and how severe your injury actually is.

Have as much evidence as possible when you file a case against the dog owners. It's important that your attorney can prove that the dog in question was violent or aggressive; otherwise, you might not be entitled to as much compensation even though your injuries were severe. Check out and talk to an attorney who can give you a better idea of the type of evidence that you'll need. 
